The Friends of MAPL are on hiatus until further notice; therefore, we are unable to accept books and media donations at the library.
We will post when the Friends of MAPL are again active and accepting donations. In the meantime, consider donating your items to one of the following locations:
Old Bridge Library (drop-off location)
- 732.721.5600 ext. 5010
- They will NOT accept textbooks, encyclopedias, VHS tapes or cassette tapes, all else accepted as long as it’s in good condition, no limit on donations, open for drop off whenever the library is open!
Vietnam Veterans of America (will pick up)
- 1.800.755.VETS(8387)
- Accepts hardcover, softcover, fiction and non-fiction, e-readers.
Goodwill (drop off)
- 732.566.0277
- Hazlet Store & Donation Center, 3035-B State Highway 35 North, Hazlet, NJ 07730
AAUW: the American Association of University Women of NJ (drop off)
- Donate to their book sales! Northern Monmouth County branch:
- Old First Church, 69 Kings Highway, Middletown (732-275-2237)
- Accepted: Books in good condition – children’s books through young adult, fiction, history, biographies, mysteries, sci-fi, and fantasy. Also accepted: CDs, DVDs, audio books, and videos.
- Not accepted: VHS tapes; cassette tapes; textbooks; encyclopedias; Readers Digest Condensed books; financial, business, cookbooks, gardening books, self-help books, or computer how-to manuals. No books that have been written in or highlighted; or any items in poor physical condition including moldy, water damaged, with broken spines, chewed, etc.
Books Behind Bars (mail or drop off)
- Books Behind Bars is a grassroots, volunteer-run prison abolition project that provides free books upon request to people incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. Based in Wildwood, we are the first and only books-to-prison program in New Jersey.
- Our project relies on your book donations - we wouldn't exist without them! We accept new and used paperback books. You can mail book donations to us at: Books Behind Bars PO BOX 2611 Wildwood, NJ 08260. You can also email us at: to schedule a drop off. (PLEASE NOTE: We can NOT accept hardcover books. Paperbacks only - thank you!)
Books for Africa (mail to them)
- 651.602.9844
- Accepts: children's books, books that are 15 years old or newer, primary, secondary, and college textbooks (soft and hard cover) published in the last 15 years. Dictionaries or reference books published in the last 10 years, except encyclopedia sets. Medical, nursing, technical and science books published in the last 10 years. Bibles, please place them in a box separate from other donations and mark the box as “Religious texts.” Bibles are sent only when requested by African recipients.
Better World Books (drop box location)
- Union Beach Memorial Library: BDB, 810 Union Avenue, Union Beach, NJ 07735
- Every book you drop off will be put to good use. Books are sold online to help raise funds for awesome non-profit literacy organizations changing the world through teaching kids, supporting families, building schools and filling libraries. Any books we can’t sell are either donated directly to one of our non-profit partners or recycled. If you have a large donation, please contact at
Habitat for Humanity (drop off)
- Will only accept gardening books and “coffee table” books!