The Matawan Aberdeen Public Library
The history of the Matawan Aberdeen Public Library dates back to 1903 when the Matawan Free Public Library was opened 7 hours a week in a rented space. By 1921, the library moved to the corner of Main Street and Park Avenue. In 1962 the Borough and Township formed a joint library and by 1967 a new 2,800 square foot library was opened on the current site.
As the two communities continued to experience growth through the 1960’s and 1970’s, plans were quickly
developed to add another 2,000 square feet to the library which became the Children’s Wing. This also included a
basement. In 1985, a two story addition was constructed which added 4000 square feet. The lower level is the
current children’s area. The expanded facility is 9,880 square feet.
Currently, the population of both communities is a combined 27,020. Thanks to the dedication of the Library Board of Trustees, Aberdeen Township and Matawan Borough and the Friends of the Library, the existing building is a reminder of Matawan and Aberdeen’s shared community and may still offer possibilities to continue to grow with the community.
For many additional details about MAPL's history visit the Library History page.